Liverpool property that is one of cheapest in UK at just £15,000 - Liverpool Echo
A Liverpool home was on a list of the cheapest buildings sold in 2021

Small business success stories of 2021: It's been a tough year, but these start-ups are thriving - This is Money
This is Money revisits successful startups to find out how they have coped with another year of the pandemic, and how they plan to grow their businesses in 2022.

John Lewis Twitter storm over dismissal of temporary workers - The Times
John Lewis suffered a backlash on social media yesterday for its decision to dismiss temporary staff just before Christmas because sales had been lower than ex

Major brands will go broke if they DON'T go woke, marketing experts claim - Daily Mail
The study, led by Karen Middleton, found consumer activism against perceived 'dangerous' portrayals pose a 'serious threat' to brands as shoppers increasigly turn 'woke'.

Covid heat map reveals 'black zone' neighbourhoods where cases are spiralling - The Mirror
Maps released by the UK Health Security Agency shows areas where coronavirus rates have hit unprecedented levels and where Covid booster rates are relatively low

Ministers are warned energy bills 'could TREBLE' to more than £2,000-a-year - Daily Mail
Fears of runaway bills for UK households in the new year have been mounting since September as the cost of gas in wholesale markets rose by more than 500 per cent in less than 12 months

Woman shares life-changing hack for keeping leftover Christmas wine fresh - The Mirror
A woman has shared a game-changing hack for storing leftover Christmas wine and keeping it fresh so it can be used in cooking and future recipes

UK Covid: Doctor explains how to tell if your positive lateral flow test could be wrong - Essex Live
A London medic explained that the reliability of a positive lateral flow result is dependent on whether or not the line appeared after the 30-minute window

Readers react after dad hits out at Indian restaurant over Christmas Day menu - Manchester Evening News
"If you wanted a Christmas dinner why go to an Indian restaurant?"

Unions warn Omicron spread has left public services in a 'perilous state' - Daily Mail
Lewisham council announced its main reuse and recycling centre will be shut until Wednesday and black bin collections would be prioritised in the event of delays to recycling collections.

DIY fixes: How to use a water bottle instead of a showerhead - Daily Mail
In an eye-watering gallery collated by Parent Influence, self-proclaimed DIY aficionados from across the globe have shown off their budget versions of professional fixes.

Most-shared Facebook post of 2021 is about Trump’s plummeting net worth - The Independent
‘He put America first, not his own interests,’ conservative pastor Franklin Graham wrote in a Facebook post that was shared 186,000 times